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Animating Gifs In Adobe Xd

Use Lottie in Adobe XD

Easily add animations to your XD projects

Lottie is a powerful animation tool that allows you to design and export high-quality animations for web, mobile, and other platforms. With Lottie, you can easily add animations to your Adobe XD projects to bring them to life. In this article, you'll learn how to import and use Lottie in Adobe XD to create rich and engaging animations.

Importing Lottie animations into XD

To import a Lottie animation into XD, simply drag and drop the JSON file containing the animation into your XD document. XD will automatically create a new layer for the animation and add it to your project. You can also import Lottie animations from the Adobe Stock library or from other sources on the web.

Using Lottie animations in XD

Once you've imported a Lottie animation into XD, you can use it in your project like any other element. You can move, scale, and rotate the animation as needed. You can also change the speed and playback direction of the animation.

Lottie animations are vector-based, so they can be scaled to any size without losing quality. They're also lightweight and performant, making them ideal for use in web and mobile projects.

Creating your own Lottie animations

In addition to importing Lottie animations from other sources, you can also create your own Lottie animations in Adobe XD. To do this, simply create a new XD document and add your animation elements to the canvas. You can use the built-in animation tools in XD to create simple animations, or you can use a third-party animation tool to create more complex animations.


Lottie is a powerful tool that can help you add rich and engaging animations to your Adobe XD projects. With Lottie, you can easily import and use Lottie animations from other sources, or you can create your own Lottie animations in XD. So what are you waiting for? Start using Lottie today to add some life to your XD projects!
