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Bayer Leverkusen Tickets

Bayer Leverkusen Tickets

Where to Buy Bayer Leverkusen Tickets

There are a few different ways to buy Bayer Leverkusen tickets. You can purchase them online, by phone, or in person at the BayArena. The official website of Bayer Leverkusen has a link to a ticket shop where you can buy tickets online. You can also buy tickets by calling the ticket hotline at +49 (0) 1805 040404. If you prefer to buy tickets in person, you can do so at the BayArena ticket office.

Ticket Prices

The price of Bayer Leverkusen tickets varies depending on the seat location and the opponent. Tickets for Bundesliga matches start at €19, while tickets for Champions League matches start at €49. You can see a full list of ticket prices on the Bayer Leverkusen website.
